2020年5月26日 星期二

鴻韻音響|竹北音響專賣|新竹家庭劇院|卡拉OK演唱|PA廣播|錄音室收音,新竹音響,竹北鴻韻音響,B&W, YAMAHA ,DALI ,KEF ,FOCAL 旗艦店

Faith Matters - No Heaven Without Hell | DW English

The internationally acclaimed Berlin Radio Choir has joined forces with American theater director and visual artist Robert Wilson for a production that marries Martin Luther’s writings and translations 

with the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. 

Wilson’s image theater conjures both anxiety and hope in a timeless statement that places Luther among the great thinkers of history.

Mr. Bean Live Performance at the London 2012 Olympic Games

Rowan Atkinson performs under the guise of his famous character Mr. Bean at the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Global Citizen

Global Citizen is a community of people like you - a place to learn about and take action on the world’s biggest issues. Your voice matters. Join Global Citizen and a growing movement of people committed to creating a better world.

Join the movement, and become a global citizen: http://globalcitizen.org/

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【鴻韻音響since1987】hiend音響 | 百萬試聽空間,音質如臨歌劇院? | Bmw Kef Dali 歐美 音響設備線材

新竹音響竹北鴻韻音響B&W YAMAHA DALI KEF FOCAL 旗艦店 (鴻韻音響 竹北音響店 家庭劇院 投影機安裝規化 since1987) 關於我們: 創立於1987年,懷著對音樂與音響的服務執著,一步一腳印地走過二十餘年的歲月,如今鴻韻音...